This is not good.

For those of you wondering why I haven’t posted about my progress on the new album lately…  I decided to get a new computer recently.  The one I had was pretty fast, but not quite powerful enough to do everything I wanted to do on my songs.  So I got a newer, faster one. I’m not sure what happened exactly, but at some point the other day, it died.  I was installing photoshop, and it…

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Thanks, Metroland Readers! The readers of Metroland, the venerable arts paper of the Capital Region, have voted: Best Local Solo Musician:  Mike Grosshandler Best Local Rock Band:  The Velmas (second place) Thanks to everyone who voted!  Hope to see lots of you out at Sage College on 3/27 4/24 (new date)!

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Experiencing technical problems

On Friday, I thought it was a good time to finally upgrade Pro Tools from 7.4 to 8.0.  8 has some cool new plug-ins and it seemed like as good a time as any to go for it.  Or so I thought.  I haven’t been able to get any work done since Friday. Upgrading PT broke my amp emulator plug-ins  (Amplitube2, Ampeg SVX Uno) and a synth that I might use (Analog Factory).  It also…

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Cleaning a keyboard

I’d been having some trouble with the left Alt and Windows key on my keyboard sticking the last few weeks.  That’s trouble in programs like Pro Tools where those keys can be very useful.  I got some compressed air and tried blowing out whatever dirt was in there, but it didn’t help.  So I decided to pop off the keys to see if I could clean out the keyboard a bit and fix the problem. …

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