It’s coming together…

So, the album is coming together nicely.  All of the vocals are sung, and I’ve been working on comping them and picking out the best parts.  I found a great horn player, Bill Scholl, and we got together a while ago and recorded some ideas for the song “Drive Me”.  After listening to the parts we laid down, we decided they might work a little better played less staccato than they were, so we’re getting…

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What’s new?

I was making good progress, recording at a (relatively) good pace through the end of the summer. Vocals are done for 7 of the 12 songs, and that’s more than half. But then it went and got cooler outside and I went and caught a cold. I don’t think it was the pig flu or anything, but it knocked me for a loop for a few days and I’m still coughing now, almost two weeks…

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Bracketing in Photoshop to Fix iPhone exposure problems

I took a couple photos of a beautiful summer sky over a field the other day on my iPhone.  I couldn’t quite get the exposure right, though.  If I focused on the ground, the sky got blown out, and if I focused on the sky, the ground was very dark. I remembered reading about bracketing though, so I took one of each and followed the instructions here: And here’s what I wound up with:…

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