“Bass”-ically getting stuff done

So it was a snowy weekend in Albany.  I think we got nearly a foot and a half over the last 3 days.  Not good for stuff like playing shows (The Velmas had to cancel our show on Friday), but great for stuff like staying home and recording, luckily. Also lucky was the fact that my cold is all but a lingering cough now, so I actually felt up to doing something, as opposed to…

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More progress and Twitter

As of today, the 10 drum tracks I’ve got recorded so far are all comped and the songs are ready for more tracking.  Still waiting on one more drummer to track the last 2 songs, though.  But at least I can start on the bass guitar parts in earnest now, since the drum parts under them won’t be changing anymore.  That’s a relief! I’ve been using Twitter more lately, too.  Sometimes there isn’t enough to…

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Some more drums comped and another bass track

Over the last few days, I’ve been putting together some more of the final drum comps so I can get to work on the bass guitar, and then the rest of the instruments for those songs.  Since we kept 3 or 4 full runs through each song, I had a lot of options, which is good, but also a bit overwhelming. A few of the songs had one complete take that was just what I…

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Thoughts on recording guitar

So, I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m gonna do the guitars for this here thing.  Ideally, I’d record a mic’d up amp for all the guitars.  Unfortunately, that also means having space for an amp and a mic stand to be set up for an extended period of time for consistent sounds between takes (which might be days or weeks apart at this rate!).  I don’t really have all that much space here…

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