Random million dollar thought

So, the earth is warming, ocean levels will rise, and all that, right?  Here’s a couple of solutions I just came up with: 1.  Figure out a way to beam excess water into space Step 1:  Vaporize Water (taking care not to vaporize fish, etc.) Step 2:  ???? Step 3:  Profit! Save the world! Maybe that space elevator would be up to the task?  Something with “lasers” sounds viable, too. 2.  Figure out a way…

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More progress and Twitter

As of today, the 10 drum tracks I’ve got recorded so far are all comped and the songs are ready for more tracking.  Still waiting on one more drummer to track the last 2 songs, though.  But at least I can start on the bass guitar parts in earnest now, since the drum parts under them won’t be changing anymore.  That’s a relief! I’ve been using Twitter more lately, too.  Sometimes there isn’t enough to…

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