For a good audio recording app…

I’m hoping someone will write a really good (free) audio recording app… I’m sure it can be done.  I tried a few free apps, including VoiceNotes, but none of them were quite up to snuff.  When I’m trying to record a new song idea, or something at a rehearsal, being limited to 2 minutes at a time is just useless. I’ve been using EccoNote, and it’s fairly decent.  You can record up to your phone’s…

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Sweet iPhone app: Simplify Media

So I found this iPhone app called Simplify Media.  It’s awesome.  Now, even though my phone only holds 16gb of stuff, I can play over the air any song I want to hear from my computer at home.  Granted, the audio quality isn’t quite as good as having the MP3 right there, and there’s a small delay as it buffers before playing, but the sound quality is comparable to maybe a mild-strength FM station perhaps,…

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One man’s loss…

That nefarious vending machine seems to have snared another unwitting victim today: This time, however, the victim was not me! I’d approached the sweets dispenser looking for something in “chocolate”.  Being presented with this scenario, my decision seemed to have been made for me.  Milky Way(s) it would be.  But how many would I get for my hard-earned dollar?  (Those were only $.75 last year, I think…  33% increase in one year, go inflation.) I…

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First drum tracks done!

For those keeping track (i.e. me), I’ve now rehearsed with four drummers for my new CD.  The newest addition is the multi-talented Melanie Krahmer from Sirsy.  She’s helping me out with drums on the song “Florida”.  You might recall that as one of the tracks on my second acoustic demo CD “Wrote Myself“.  Now I’m finally going to give that song its proper dues. (If you haven’t heard the acoustic version before, it’s up on…

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