iPhone app: Air Sharing

Now THIS app is very cool:  Air Sharing.  With it, you can now access (add, delete, open) files on your iPhone from your computer, over the air.  It’s free for the next 2 weeks or so, so get it now, or pay for it later. I just tested it out from my Vista pc and it works really well.  I dragged some mp3s, a pdf, a quicktime .mov, and a .wmv file from windows to…

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Drums halfway done now

On Sunday, I was down in Manhattan at Threshold Studios tracking drums with Mike Maenza and Tom Sposato.  Between them, we got 5 more songs’ drum parts recorded.  So that takes the tally up to 6 songs done now on drums: half way there! Threshold is the studio where The X’s (Maenza’s old band) recorded their (awesome) album a couple years back.  Random tangent: For what it’s worth, I always dug Fuel and Brett’s voice…

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Google Gears and Chrome… awesome

I’m not exactly sure what this Google Gears thing is yet, but I do know that I can now “search” through my MySpace inbox thanks to it, and that is VERY awesome.  Would’ve been nice if MySpace built that in, but hey. That’ll save a LOT of time next time I go look for “that email from that band who wanted to set up that show”… In related news, I also installed the new browser…

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