Nearing completion

So I’ve been sitting on the mixes for my new album for two weeks or so now, listening for things that still bother me, and getting feedback from some friends.  So far, the feedback has been good! Of course, it would figure that now would be when Avid/Digidesign finally releases a version of Pro Tools (8.0.4)  that officially supports 64-bit Windows 7!  I’d been dual-booting back and forth, depending on the song, between the version…

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Counting to 10 in 10 languages

My new project for the summer: learning to count to 10 in (at least) 10 languages.  I’m up to 5 so far. English Spanish German French American Sign Language I thought it would be cool, if not useful, to be able to speak even a little bit in more than one or two languages. I took six (seis) years  of Spanish in school, so that one was a no-brainer. My cousin and his wife have…

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Goodbye, Pete.

I found out this morning that Peter Steele – the singer, songwriter, and bass player – for what was probably my favorite living band, Type O Negative, died last night.  He was just 48.  There’s one less musical genius on Earth now. I got a chance to meet Pete and the guys several years ago at Saratoga Winners when a friend of mine brought me along when he was working as a roadie.  I think…

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It’s coming together…

So, the album is coming together nicely.  All of the vocals are sung, and I’ve been working on comping them and picking out the best parts.  I found a great horn player, Bill Scholl, and we got together a while ago and recorded some ideas for the song “Drive Me”.  After listening to the parts we laid down, we decided they might work a little better played less staccato than they were, so we’re getting…

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