Guitars, guitars, and more guitars. And computers.

Over the last two weeks, I’ve recorded the guitars for just about half the songs for the new album.  It’s quite the process.  I’d done fairly fully-fleshed out demos for most of these songs, and so started out the “real” versions by importing the demo parts as a road map once the drums were tracked.  So all I needed to do was to re-record each part in place, like color-by-number for some of them.  But…

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The Magic Word?

I’ve been getting these calls a couple times a day.  “This is your second and final notice that your automobile warranty is about to expire…”  Or some variation on that theme, anyway.  I ignored it for a few weeks, but it didn’t stop or even slow down the calls. So yesterday, when I got the call again, I dutifully pressed 1 to speak to an operator.  As she started into her fast-paced scripted sales pitch,…

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Back in the saddle

I finally got my Pro Tools setup stable on the new computer and got some work done on the solo album over the last couple of days.  I decided to start with the guitars in “Everything’s Fine”.  I re-recorded over the imported demo tracks (which were time-shifted as I imported them to fit the song’s new tempo) and added another track to beef it up a bit. Multitasking as ever, between takes I watched an…

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This is not good.

For those of you wondering why I haven’t posted about my progress on the new album lately…  I decided to get a new computer recently.  The one I had was pretty fast, but not quite powerful enough to do everything I wanted to do on my songs.  So I got a newer, faster one. I’m not sure what happened exactly, but at some point the other day, it died.  I was installing photoshop, and it…

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