Valerie Webb’s new song

A couple months ago, Valerie Webb (from the band Venomentality) contacted us (The Velmas) with an idea.  She’s putting together a portfolio for college (she’s only 16!) next year, and in general is trying new things and experimenting with her music.  She had this song called “All While Laughing” that she had recorded a quick acoustic demo for, and she wanted us to arrange it as we saw fit.  Then we’d record it in the…

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One down, too many to go

On vacation (“holiday” for you crazy Brits and Canadians out there) 2 weeks ago out in Chautauqua, I was able to write 4 new songs.  Just the music, no lyrics just yet, though I’ve at least got vocal melodies figured out for most of them. That’s easily one of my favorite things to do in the world…  Just to sit on a bench in Bestor Plaza there with my acoustic and see what comes to…

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Managing my iPhone on two computers, at last!

I found this article, followed the steps, and voilà!  I can finally manage my music* on more than one computer.  It’s amazing that you’d have to go out of the way like this to do something so simple as using your device the way you want, but at least it works now.  Big kudos to whoever wrote this guide: *One thing to watch out for: my Apps got ALL messed up (read: deleted) when…

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