Rare, but not unusual.

I just ate a hard-boiled egg.  This thing was a real pain to open; I lost most (or so I thought) of the white in the process.  Usually you get a piece off, and then at some point, it all just sorta unwraps from there.  Rinse it off to get rid of the stragglers, and you’re all set.  Not this time.  Didn’t get any traction.  It was pretty pathetic-looking when I was done.  I should…

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more candy machine woes

the last time this happened, i wound up spending $3 on 2 twix bars.  this time it wasn’t as bad, only $2 for 2 packs of twizzlers, but still.  would it kill the candy-machine-stocking people to load the goodies more carefully?  or is it more sinister than that?  perhaps there’s a training class on maximizing vends.  i can see it now… “Okay class, you’ve done well and you’re almost ready to head out into the…

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ant worm

so, similar to (but totally different than) that hawk eating a squirrel i saw a couple weeks ago, i came across these ants swarming a stranded worm on the walk up to my house today. this time i had my good camera. there are 4 more pics on my flickr page, if this is your cup of tea…  personally, just editing these photos gave me the heebie jeebies. oddly enough, i just saw this cartoon…

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Yes, a post about the iPhone…

So, I finally gave in and picked up one of those newfangled iPhones. I’m mostly very happy with it.  But here is a list of some things that I’m annoyed with about the iPhone so far: 1. Much like the iPod Shuffle, for no good reason, you can’t manage your iPhone from more than one computer. Well, you sorta can, with a lame “workaround”. You can manage, say, music and apps from one pc, and…

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