so, this is the new year…

we headed over to fig’s house for our new year’s eve festivities. fig got a Wii this year. i’d never played with that before, and it was awesome! i kicked fig’s butt in wii bowling, though his sister (who also never played before) kicked both of ours, while her 6 year old son (who has played before) kicked all of ours. go figure. we also got a good workout in with wii boxing and did…

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Blogito, ergo sum.

so, this is blogmas (blog-mess?). what have i done? i’ve decided that rather than posting in a few different blogs scattered about the internets (velmas myspace, my own myspace, facebook, etc.), i’d create My Own Real Blog. i’m hoping to be able to reference this blog from all those other sites, but we’ll see if that’ll work or not. this might end up getting trashed some time soon, or it might blossom into a beautiful…

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