What’s new?

I was making good progress, recording at a (relatively) good pace through the end of the summer. Vocals are done for 7 of the 12 songs, and that’s more than half. But then it went and got cooler outside and I went and caught a cold. I don’t think it was the pig flu or anything, but it knocked me for a loop for a few days and I’m still coughing now, almost two weeks…

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Bracketing in Photoshop to Fix iPhone exposure problems

I took a couple photos of a beautiful summer sky over a field the other day on my iPhone.  I couldn’t quite get the exposure right, though.  If I focused on the ground, the sky got blown out, and if I focused on the sky, the ground was very dark. I remembered reading about bracketing though, so I took one of each and followed the instructions here: http://ioncreativity.com/wordpress2/?cat=7 And here’s what I wound up with:…

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Quick update.  I’ve found myself using Twitter (which in turn updates my Facebook page) a whole lot lately, as it’s easier to write a 140-character “what I’m working on now” update than to write a full blog entry.  And more people tend to read Twitter and Facebook than my blog here.  But to recap, for those not on Twitter or whatever, I’m still working on this solo album!  I’ve got guitars recorded for just about…

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