Butterflies Radio interview moved

My interview with Kiva at Butterflies Radio has been rescheduled to Monday, June 11, at 8pm. We’ll be discussing my new album, Blue Skies Black, as well as The Velmas and Above the Flood. She’ll also be spinning several songs from the new album! You can listen free ANYWHERE on the internet right here: http://www.butterfliesradio.com/

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Status Quo

Check out track two — Status Quo — from Blue Skies Black! Guest vocals on this song are by the amazing Phil Taylor from the bands Future Leaders of the World and Machina! He knocked this one out of the park and brought this song up several levels. Drums on this song performed by the über-talented Ricky Little from Above The Flood.

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There are good people out there.

When Above The Flood played at Limbo Bar in Gloversville over the weekend, I had the opportunity to chat with the club owner, Lori, for a while before the show.  She talked enthusiastically about both building up her club as a regional music venue and supporting the local/regional music scene at large; all genres, from metal to country, rock to folk, and beyond.  I mentioned to her that I’d just released and was trying to…

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