Blue Skies Black – Listen Now!

The moment has arrived! I’ve gotten the first single and title track from my upcoming solo album “Blue Skies Black” ready for your listening pleasure. Give it a listen – I’d love to hear any feedback! Drums on this song were performed by the incredible Michael Maenza (from The X’s, among other great bands). There are some other awesome guest musicians on this record I’ll be introducing in due time. I’ve also finally got the…

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Above The Flood, “The Painted Caravan” Collaboration Project, and BSB update

It’s been a busy year. I’ve been involved in a few new musical projects, as well as still playing with The VeLMAs. Here’s what’s new. First off, I’m playing in a new band called Above The Flood.  ATF is a 4-piece hard rock band that’s me (lead guitar/vocals), Matt Shufelt (lead vox/guitar) and Rick Little (drums) from Split 2nd Alibi, as well as Steve Rajter (bass) from Hygeer.  I’ve always enjoyed S2A; Matt’s got a…

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“Blue Skies Black” – The Album

Looking at my last post from almost a year ago here, it seemed like I was just about done with this album then.  And maybe I was.  But in the meantime, I decided I wasn’t happy with the mixes and brought in some fresh ears (and gear) to help take these songs up a few levels.  I’ve been working with Tim Lynch over at the Recording Company remixing these songs nearly from scratch and they…

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