new song

i wrote a song on the BNL/Guster cruise in 2006. i was influenced by some of the new sounds i’d heard on the ship. i wasn’t much of a BNL fan before that cruise (we went mostly for guster, and the caribbean, and they won me over), so i heard a lot of new music that week, including BNL’s side projects and the other bands onboard. the song didn’t (and still doesn’t) sound like BNL,…

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drummers, garageband, and wordpress

random thoughts: i’ve got 7 drummers lined up now to play on 11 songs i plan to record for my new side project/solo album. can’t wait to start tracking. need to come up with a name for that “band” as well as the album itself. after using pro tools for years, and then trying to do something as simple as a quick edit on a song in garageband just now, i wonder how anyone can…

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Pro Tools Overdubs Video

I made my first educational video the other day. My friend Mike recently got Pro Tools and had a question about making overdubs sound smoother. So rather than typing out a huge email, I just broke out the video camera. After doing that, it seemed like it was something other people might find useful, so I threw it up on youtube. I might do some more some time if the mood strikes. [youtube][/youtube]

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face down in cabo

i spent a couple hours last night after finally deciding that i wanted to be able to play cabo wabo (van halen) on guitar.  while there’s still a couple spots that trip me up (some crazy syncopations in there!), i can officially play like 95% of the song now, minus the solo, since i don’t have a whammy bar and didn’t feel like trying that part yet.  but i can rock the rhythm part at…

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